Tuesday Gets More Classy "Publication of ST2023 Phase II Results" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pemalang Regency

Menemukan penyalahgunaan wewenang ataupun praktek KKN di lingkungan BPS Pemalang ? Klik disini untuk melaporkan || Layanan pada Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu (PST) BPS Kabupaten Pemalang dapat juga dengan menggunakan layanan online melalui pemalangkab.bps.go.id atau email bps3327@bps.go.id || Publikasi Kabupaten Pemalang Dalam Angka 2024 sudah tersedia dan dapat diunduh pada menu publikasi|| Indeks Pembangunan Manusia 2023 : 68,03 || Persentase Penduduk Miskin 2023 : 15,03% || Tingkat pengangguran terbuka (TPT) 2024 = 6,63 % || Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 2023: 4,14 % || Untuk mendapatkan data lebih lanjut, silahkan datang ke Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Pemalang ||

Tuesday Gets More Classy "Publication of ST2023 Phase II Results"

Tuesday Gets More Classy "Publication of ST2023 Phase II Results"

November 19, 2024 | Other Activities

In the context of the Development of the Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK), particularly the Change Management Pillar and the implementation of the Competent Ethical Values, on Tuesday (19/11), the Tuesday Makin Berkelas (Internal Media Consolidation for Sharing the Abilities and Experiences of Statisticians) activity was held again with the theme of the Publication of ST2023 Phase II Results.

Abdul Khowi from the Agro Team and the continuation of ST2023 presented material related to the publication of ST 2023 Phase II results. He reported that the number of UTP (Individual Agricultural Enterprises) in Pemalang Regency is 118,090, with Belik District having the highest number of UTPs. UTPs in Pemalang Regency are predominantly in the food crop agriculture sector, totaling 81,173 UTPs. Additionally, there are 9 UPB (Legal Agricultural Companies) and 10 UTL. (Usaha Pertanian Lainnya).

As a closing remark, the Head of Statistics of Pemalang Regency, Teguh Iman Santoso, advised the employees to always learn and improve their competencies as an implementation of BerAKHLAK in the daily execution of statistical activities.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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