Thursday for Creating and Sharing Positive Energy with the theme "Guess the Song Game" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pemalang Regency

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Thursday for Creating and Sharing Positive Energy with the theme "Guess the Song Game"

Thursday for Creating and Sharing Positive Energy with the theme "Guess the Song Game"

November 21, 2024 | Other Activities

In the context of the Development of the Integrity Zone (ZI) towards the Corruption-Free Area (WBK), particularly the Pillar of Change Management and the Restructuring of Human Resource Management Systems, on Thursday (21/11) the "YOU'RE COOL" (Thursday for Creativity and Sharing Positive Energy) event was held in the Pemalang Regency BPS hall.

This time, the "KAMU KEREN" activity allowed one employee to showcase their creativity through a song guessing game. The participants of "KAMU KEREN" this morning were asked to guess the song from a snippet of the lyrics.

This creativity serves as a refreshing activity and can also be used as an ice-breaking idea.
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