FGD on Improving Quality Agricultural Statistical Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pemalang Regency

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FGD on Improving Quality Agricultural Statistical Data

FGD on Improving Quality Agricultural Statistical Data

December 3, 2024 | Other Activities

On Tuesday (3/12), a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Improvement of Quality Agricultural Statistical Data with the theme "Collaboration in Agricultural Statistical Data Management for Advanced Pemalang" was held at the RM Serba Sambal Hall. The event was attended by participants from the Agriculture Office, Coordinators and Data Managers from all Subdistrict Agricultural Extension Centers (BPP) in Pemalang Regency, representatives from the Functional Position Office, and BPS employees.
he FGD was moderated by Andrian Septi Kurniawidhi with speakers the Head of Statistics of Pemalang Regency, Teguh Iman Sntoso, and the Head of the Food Crops and Horticulture Division of the Pemalang Regency Agriculture Office, Iing Winarso. In his presentation, Teguh discussed the urgency of high-quality agricultural statistical data, starting with a general overview of the president's directive to succeed in the food self-sufficiency program over the next 4-5 years, the role of BPS in monitoring these targets, and the current state of agriculture, including a 29% decrease in the number of agricultural enterprises from the ST2023 results compared to the ST2013 results, and the aging farmer population. He then emphasized the importance of jointly monitoring high-quality data to ensure accurate policy-making. Next, in the second presentation, Iing Winarso discussed the management of human resources in producing quality agricultural data. He emphasized the need for good cooperation from all parties and understanding each other's roles and responsibilities, whether from data collectors at the sub-district level, verifiers at the Agricultural Office, or BPS as data processors, in order to produce quality data.
The agenda concluded with a discussion and a Q&A session, providing participants the opportunity to give feedback, which is expected to support continuous improvement and the achievement of quality data.
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