Commemoration Ceremony of the National Defense Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pemalang Regency

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Commemoration Ceremony of the National Defense Day

Commemoration Ceremony of the National Defense Day

December 19, 2024 | Other Activities

The commemoration of the National Defense Day falls on Thursday (19/12/2024) and marks the 76th anniversary since it was first held in 1948. This year, the government has chosen the theme "Ignite the Spirit of Defending the State for a Advanced Indonesia" as the theme for the 76th National Defense Day, with the meaning that all Indonesian citizens should continue to ignite the spirit of defending the state by contributing concretely in various aspects of life, such as ideology, politics, economy, socio-culture, education, technology, defense, and security, in order to realize an Advanced Indonesia.

Defending the country is an attitude and behavior inspired by love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, in an effort to maintain the nation's survival. The duty of defending the country is the task and obligation of all of us, as all components of the nation. Through the spirit of defending the country, all the nation's children, Indonesia will be able to face various obstacles and achieve the nation's aspirations. 
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