February 16, 2015 | BPS Activities
PEMALANG - The officers of ubinan survey consists of KSK, PPL, and KCD follow refreshing of ubinan technique
.The event organized by section of the production of statistics. Located in the
courtroom BPS Pemalang on monday (16/02
/2015 ). Refrresing of Ubinan Survey intended to recall the use of techniques such
as TAR, the determination of the swath, the installation of anubinan instrument , and to the determination of the point that applies
in accordance with the technical guidelines. (dw)
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Pemalang (Statistics of Pemalang Regency)Jl. Tentara Pelajar 16 Pemalang 52313 Indonesia
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