Strengthening accountability and the implementation of BerAKHLAK values - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pemalang Regency

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Strengthening accountability and the implementation of BerAKHLAK values

Strengthening accountability and the implementation of BerAKHLAK values

November 18, 2024 | Other Activities

On Monday (November 18), the "SENIN SEMANGAT" activity was held again in the BPS Auditorium of Pemalang Regency. This is carried out as part of the Integrity Zone (IZ) development towards a Corruption-Free Area (CFA), particularly focusing on the pillars of change management, restructuring the human resource management system, strengthening accountability, and implementing the BerAKHLAK values.

The material was presented by the Head of Statistics of Pemalang Regency, Teguh Iman Santoso. Everything, including the Statistics of Pemalang Regency, is formed through cooperation. Collaboration will work well if everyone is committed to the success of their team, knows their role, understands the scope of their role, is an expert in their field, and works diligently. Teguh also requested that all ASN BPS Pemalang Regency continuously build their self-value with knowledge, skills, and attitude. Attitude is the key. Without a good attitude, everything is meaningless.

The activity was concluded with the presentation of reports from each team and a discussion of the activity plans for the upcoming week.
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