Bright Friday is filled with Friday Quran recitation and a shared lunch. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pemalang Regency

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Bright Friday is filled with Friday Quran recitation and a shared lunch.

Bright Friday is filled with Friday Quran recitation and a shared lunch.

December 6, 2024 | Other Activities

As is customary on Friday Quran recitation, the employees of the Pemalang District BPS read Surah Al-Kahfi, with each employee taking turns reading one page of the mushaf. Hopefully, it can become a good habit that each employee can regularly practice in reading the Quran.

After reading Surah Al-Kahfi, the event continued with a sermon delivered by the Head of BPS, Teguh Iman Santoso. In his sermon, Teguh reminded the importance of reading the Quran and also urged everyone to always be devoted to their parents, especially those who still have living parents, so that blessings and grace will always accompany us along with the pleasure of our parents.

After the Friday prayer, the event continued with a communal lunch. The lunch served was prepared directly by the employees' mothers. The dish prepared and served was a specialty from Pati Regency, Nasi Gandul. The employees enjoyed the meal together, preceded by a prayer.
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