On Thursday, April 18 2024, the BPS-Statistics of Pemalang Regency carried out a development agenda for the preparation of quarterly Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). This event was attended by seven people who will be in charge of preparing the quarterly GRDP at BPS Pemalang Regency.
As a speaker, there was Eny Pramudyastuti from the Economics and Statistical Analysis Team of BPS-Statistics of Central Java Province. She explained that in calculating GRDP, there are three main theories, namely
1. Calculations using a business field approach
2. Calculation using an expenditure approach
3. Calculation using the income approach
Chief Statistician of Pemalang Regency, Mohammad Fatichuddin, added that in the process of collecting GRDP data, it is necessary to pay attention to phenomena that exist in society. This is important so that the data displayed can be explained in accordance with conditions in society.
With this guidance, hopefully the preparation of quarterly GRDP at BPS-Statistics of Pemalang Regency can run well and produce data that is accurate and relevant to conditions in the field. This coaching also becomes a forum for participants to exchange ideas and gain new knowledge about PDRB preparation. (mrz)