Meeting for the Preparation of Sectoral Statistical Data Dissemination - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pemalang Regency

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Meeting for the Preparation of Sectoral Statistical Data Dissemination

Meeting for the Preparation of Sectoral Statistical Data Dissemination

November 19, 2024 | Other Activities

The Bappeda of Pemalang Regency held a Preparatory Meeting for the Dissemination of Sectoral Statistical Data on Tuesday (19/11) in the Bappeda Meeting Room. The Head of Statistics of Pemalang Regency, Teguh Iman Santoso, was a speaker at the event along with the Head of the Pemalang Diskominfo, Joko Ngatmo.

Teguh presented material related to the Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Administration, where the SDI Principle Domain needs attention because it is the domain with the lowest value and still below the national average. Improving understanding of the SDI Principle and its application by each data producer can boost the value of the SDI Principle Domain.

Additionally, although the value of the Business Process Domain has exceeded the target, Teguh reminded that the commitment to its implementation should always be maintained. The preparation of standardized statistical business processes must always be carried out by each OPD in the implementation of sectoral statistics.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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